Helplessness (noun): the state of needing help from something. 
I wandered in some area outside of my own wilderness. It appears to be a junk yard or something to that sort. Two to three dogs must have picked up my scent. And, the dogs began chasing me as if they were protecting their territory. I ran as fast I could. The dogs were catching up with me very hastily. Out of the panic of being severely attacked by those vicious dogs, I got underneath the closest clunker that I could find to protect myself. But, the dogs were still persistent at attacking and hurting me.
As I now lay helpless underneath the front area of an old clunker, I began to feel one of those dogs trying to get its teeth around my left hind leg. It's going to be only an amount of time before that dog is finally able to fully clamp onto that leg. Another dog was able to pinned down my head with the bottom of its chin. And, that dog beagan to constantly lick my left ear as I laid helpless underneath that old clunker. I tried to lay still in hopes that the two dogs would eventually grow tire of me and leave. But, it didn't work. The dog that was holding my head down gave me the feeling that it was going to soon start biting on my left ear. I have never felt so helpless in my current situation. Why did I wander out of my own wilderness?
The feeling of pending death began to come over me. I can began to feel pain being sustained by the dog that was attacking my left hind leg. And, it was nothing that I could do about it. The most agonizing feeling was coming from that other dog that had control of my head. My life was literary in his mouth. With my neck exposed to his attacks, it just kept licking on my left ear as long a I continued to lay still. That dog only growled when I appeared to start moving from my pinned position. How am I going to be able to survive this mess?
As I laid in this helpless predicament, I knew no one was coming to my aide. This is one of the flaws of the life of a Lone Wolf. Never wanting help even when it is neccessary from another living entity. If I should die from the actions of these junk yard dogs, I have no off springs to carry on my bloodline. I would like to believe that no living entity would like to spend their last moments in this world feeling so helpless. If I had to deal with this moment all over again, I would rather have died in a moment of fighting off those junk yard dogs attacks. At least, I would have died with more "honor" than this current fate. Regardless, I am about to die, no one is coming to my rescue, and there is nothing I can do to stop it. Could fate be so cruel to me?
A heavy weight of sadness began to come over my aching body. I did not fear the ideal of death by another living entity. I only feared that no one woulf know where, when, and how I died. As my body began to feel more and more helpless by each passing moment, the junk yard dogs continued their attacks upon me. So, I gave up trying to survive this vicious attacks from those junk yard dogs. I was alone. I was outnumbered. And, I was too helpless to do anything about it my current situation. What is the point of my continuing to endure this agonizing ordeal?
Darkness began to come over my world, as I let go of the ideal of trying to survive these circumstances. I began to finally loose consciousness from the helplessness of my current fate. I was so scared from seeing my pending death that I woke up laying on my living room floor. I could not believe that the whole thing that I was experiencing was only a dream. But How? How could those vicious junk yard dog attacks and the feelings of helplessness seem so real to me? The way of a Lone Wolf sometimes comes with more questions than answers, sometimes...