To be fair, being a Lone Wolf in life is not always a good thing to be, especially when having to face great obstacles alone. It is the Lone Wolf way to stick to their "must wander and handle things on their own" mentality through life. to the Lone Wolf: "A wolf pack with great numbers, especially consisting of Lone Wolf outcasts, usually means a wolf pack with much static until a command structure is finally formed between them." the good thing about a wolf pack is that the weak is weeded out or ran out of their group until only the strong wolves remain behind to work "productively" in harmony amongst each other. This is the basic essence of a "Wolf Pack".
The downside to being apart of a wolf pack is that sooner or later the Alpha Wolf will eventually be challenged for their leadership position. At that point, the Alpha Wolf only have two choice: (1) Step aside for the new leader of the wolf pack, or (2) possibly die while fighting to maintain one's leadership position of the wolf pack. The challenge may come withing minutes or withing years. No matter what, an Alpha Wolf will eventually have their position of leadership challenged amongst a wolf pack. Lone Wolf Outcasts are usually outcasts for a reason. These Lone Wolves find it hard to get along with others in a wolf pack. Hence, the Lone Wolf finds themselves not wanting to rely on their fellow outcasts for anything. And, this negative Lone Wolf mentality usually destroy any chances of building some type of "teamwork" amongst their fellow wolf pack members. And, teamwork ironically is one of the Lone Wolf's attributes towards a wolf pack.
When a "Wolf Pack" comes together, the pride of that "unit" is at stack. The wolf pack is only as good as its nucleus. The Lone Wolf must allow them self to be a part of a team in any capacity that their unit needs them to perform. Let it be known, that being in a wolf pack won't always be easy to maintain amongst each other. But, a wolf pack is a necessity in life. Therefore, a wolf pack can be a positive entity of life...