In order for a Lone Wolf to grow as an individual in life, one must be open to experiencing new things that are sometimes outside their "comfort zone". The goal of a Lone Wolf is to attempt to "excel" beyond their normal capabilities in any challenge placed upon them. In this exercise, let's use "bowling" as the learning example. When bowling alone, the Lone Wolf was able to find some solace in the sport of bowling. "technique" and "form" can be just as effective in the goal of knocking down all of the tenpins, than "speed" and "strength". On any given day, the weakest member of a wolf pack can sometimes beat out the strongest member of that same wolf pack in a game of bowling. Hence, this is why the Lone Wolf enjoys playing the game of bowling.
Another lesson about bowling that a Lone Wolf must learn, is that one is only as good as one practices. True, there are entities out in the world that are a natural at the sports they play without ever having to practice. This Lone Wolf is not one such entity. In team pack play, the Lone Wolf must constantly prove that one is an "asset" to their team pack. The Lone Wolf must remember to not allow the worry of failing their team pack become a distraction in their bowling game. "IT is only a game". On any given bowling game, there are just as many chances of loosing a challenge against another team pack than there are chances of winnings. It's how one played their own game within the team game to the best of their abilities is what matters. Oh yeah, a Lone Wolf must not forget to enjoy one's self whenever participating in any sporting game. Otherwise, what is the real point of playing any team sports in life.
This is the daily belief of the Lone Wolf...