Shepherd (metaphorical): Someone who watches over, looks after, or guides somebody.
Sheep (noun): A docile and vulnerable person who would rather follow than make an independent decision.
Dumb ass (noun/slang): A thoroughly stupid person; blockhead.

There appears to be a person in every work place and in life that has nothing better to do than to attempt to question the integrity of the Lone Wolf. Such attempts are a common way of life for Lone Wolf, especially in a workplace environment. The Lone Wolf takes these attempts to his integrity as challengers, which is okay to accept those challenges. But, when the challengers are not being played on an even field of strategy, then the Lone Wolf must ponder on what courses of actions to make against that dub ass person. To put it simply, must the next courses of actions be made from the perspective of a Lone Wolf, the shepherd, or a sheep. Each are good strategies in their own ways. But, each of those courses of actions also have their own shortcomings.
The Lone Wolf's perspective-
No matter what a person's race, sex, age, or sexual preferences, a dumb ass is still a dumb ass. The Lone Wolf already knows that violence is never the way to solve any problems with another person, even a dumb ass person. But, damn it would feel good for the Lone Wolf to reap some type of physical retribution on that dumb ass anyway. But, this is not the time and the place or the situation that have risen physical actions being taken against the dumb ass.
Violence at any level would only end badly for the Lone Wolf. No dumb ass is ever worth loosing their job over them. Yet, the Lone Wolf already lost his composure over what the dumb ass did to him. So, the dumb ass managed to win this first strategic insult to the Lone Wolf's integrity. But, "anything that does not kill the Lone Wolf makes him stronger..." The Lone Wolf knows that this matter with the dumb ass will pass. So, the Lone Wolf believes that this situation with the dumb ass calls for more mental resolution than physical. Even though the Lone Wolf is very capable of finding a mental resolution to the dumb ass's issues with him.
With this in mind, the Lone Wolf must allow "The Shepherd" to review the next possible courses of actions to resolve this matter with the dumb ass. Unlike the Lone Wolf that tends to more of an aggressive reflexive response when back into a corner or injured, "The Shepherd" tends to take a more calmer approach to handling a situation with someone.
The Shepherd's perspective-
Even though the center of the insult to the Lone Wolf's integrity is a dumb ass's unknown issues with him, the Shepherd attempts to see the whole situation from a third person's perspective of, "Why does this dumb ass continues to have issues with whatever the Lone Wolf asks of him. But, the Lone Wolf does not have issues with the dumb ass whenever he for assistance with something?"
The Shepherd attempts to stand back and review all the information that was gathered up to this point about the dumb ass. The Shepherd attempts to figured out "why" the dumb ass person behave in such a untrustworthy way towards the Lone Wolf. And, the Shepherd then attempt to find ways for the Lone Wolf to find a more mental and peaceful of dealing with potential future problems from the dumb ass. For the record, neither the Lone Wolf nor the Shepherd dislikes the dumb ass person in a negative way. To them, the dumb ass is more "pitied" than despised. What would cause a person to want to continue to cause such drama around the work place?
There are enough negativity in life to deal with without having to worry about a coworker constantly finding way to stab another in the back in order to feel better about them self or some other unknown reason. The dumb ass should know this fact of life, especially at his age. Regardless of why the dumb ass choose to take this course of action against the Lone Wolf in such an insulting and demeaning fashion, the Shepherd thinks that the last resort may be more positive in strategy then the last two previous options. Sometimes it is just better to just lead by example to resolve a situation. Sometimes, it is better to turn the other cheek, and do nothing in response to dumb ass's insult to one's integrity. And, when it is one of those times, one must follow the perspective of "The Sheep".
The Sheep's perspective-
"The Sheep" is usually the least confrontational and mentally demanding of the three ways to handling a dumb ass person in life. The Sheep sees the dumb ass person for who they really are: "a hater". And, if a hater can't best you on an even field of strategy, then a hater usually resorts to "back door tactics" to try to bring their rival down. The Sheep has learn from experience to just allow "Karma" to handle things. From the Sheep's perspective, "No deed goes unnoticed or unpunished." Until then, the sheep learns to just keep it professional with those types of dumb asses at the work place. That is what a dumb ass usually does not expect the Lone Wolf to response to his insulting ways towards him.
The Sheep leads by example by continuing to graze in the same field where their fellow sheep may have been slaughtered by a predator. The Sheep may feel some type of loss for their fellow sheep. But, the Sheep also realize that tomorrow is another day. "Life goes on." Even a dumb ass can't change that spirit of the Sheep. With this view towards life, a sheep usually wins over a dumb ass on an even field of strategy. If the dumb ass attempts to make things difficult for a sheep, then he is heavily viewed by other of the flock as the "negative influence" in the workplace.
The beautiful thing about dub asses, they never learn to stop f*cking with sheep until "Karma" has to step into the field of strategic to makes things more equal again. Without the Sheep falling to the dumb ass's chaos, the dumb ass must straighten up and fly right, or must eventually be forced to move to another location for his constant disruptions to the flow of the work place. The Lone Wolf will be alright following from the Sheep's perspective towards dealing with life's dumb asses...