When it comes to wandering, the Lone Wolf could have written many of books on the subject. Even when the Lone Wolf came close to finding a port of harbor to call his own, the feeling of being constricted began to settle down on him. Eventually, he found a way to be released from his stationary confinement to continue his wandering through life. Wandering for the Lone Wolf is as second natured as the water traveling down stream of a mighty river. Even though the river may appear to be a little chaotic to the eyes, there is actually a stillness tat can be felt underneath it. The Lone Wolf's wandering existence is not for those with families or long term responsibilities. Hence, the Lone Wolf seems perfectly okay with never settling for long periods of time in one location. This is the fate of a Lone Wolf's way of life, "No place to call home".
Will the Lone Wolf ever find a place to call home? The Lone Wolf would love to believe it is possible. But, it is highly unlikely by the aging years that the Lone Wolf's wandering lifestyle will be an old myth of the past. You must first understand that IT is not as easy for a Lone Wolf to switch from a wandering lifestyle to a stationary lifestyle within a year's time. One can only hope that a Lone Wolf is able to adapt to staying in one location for about a year, then he or she can only take things one day at a time with their stay. Trying to analyze or predict how long a Lone Wolf will stay at a location will be futile. Cause to a Lone Wolf, he or she does not need a visible fence to feel very constrict or domesticate.
A Lone Wolf is best able to adapt to a stationary lifestyle, if he or she voluntarily chooses to do so without pressure from their soulmate. One must come to love a Lone Wolf as he or she already exist. To attempt to change a Lone Wolf into anything else than themselves is futile. A Lone Wolf will leave its new environment is he or she is not allowed to be themselves while living in it. Let it be known, "Every Lone Wolf wants to eventually find a place to call their home." Some Lone Wolves get to that point in their lives faster than others. And, other Lone Wolves never find a place to call their home. To some Lone Wolves, "Home is wherever they are able to lay their heads for whatever amount of time." And, that type of lifestyle is satisfactory for many of those wandering Lone Wolves.
To a Lone Wolf, worrying too much about when to call a stationary place "home" is time being wasted. According to the Lone Wolf, wandering is another way of life that many take for granted. The Lone Wolf becomes educated about each new surrounding that he chooses to live for whatever period time. The Lone Wolf sometimes finds himself reminiscing about the people that he comes to know while living at these new locations. But, like most things in the Lone Wolf's life, people and things come and go. IT is the Lone Wolf's family and friends that keep him well grounded in the world. As long as the Lone Wolf has a bloodline in the world, the "where" does not really matter to the Lone Wolf as long as their is a soulmate to share his life. This is what the Lone Wolf thinks about wandering...
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