The Lone Wolf, being the bigger entity of the two, offered his friend the scorpion across the wild and deep river. But, the Lone Wolf had one condition: "Do not sting me with your lethal tail. Or, I shall become weak, then die, and we both shall drown inside of the wild and deep river." The scorpion gave the Lone Wolf his word that he would not sting his long time friend while being carried across the river. The Lone Wolf allowed the scorpion to crawl onto his back in order to be able to carry his buddy across the river. While approaching the mid-way point of this wild and deep river, the Lone Wolf began to feel the scorpion constantly stinging him in the back.
The Lone Wolf yelled out to the scorpion: "Why, my friend!?! Why are you stinging me when you know that have doomed us both to drown in this river!!!" The scorpion simply told the Lone Wolf: "IT is my nature, my friend..." The Lone Wolf eventually began to loose his strength from being poisoned by the scorpion's tail. The scorpion and the Lone Wolf soon after drowned into the wild and deep river...
The Lone Wolf, against his better judgment (sometimes), attempts to see the goodness, potential, and honesty in the people he knows and meet in life. But, he has been stung more than by scorpions that he regarded as friends than he could count. The Lone Wolf is the first to admit that he himself is not perfect. But, he also been a recipient of the ole saying: " What comes around, goes around..." So, the Lone Wolf practices the, "Treat each person as to how you would like to be treated in the same situation..." IT does not always work out as the Lone Wolf pictures it would turn out. But, this is what keep the Lone Wolf believing that not all people are assholes, users, or liars. IF the Lone Wolf did think that way about people as a whole, there would be no point keeping any of his friends at all.
The Lone Wolf chooses to not keep scorpions in his life, especially if they are thoughtful and respectful of the Lone Wolf's mutual well being. This is the way of the Lone Wolf.