The Lone Wolf has been living a life of solitude for 40 years. He been in as many relationships that he could count on one hand. Any relationship over three months and be counted on less than three fingers. To ask the Lone Wolf, "How come you are not married, yet?" is as much affective as asking, "How come you are still single?". Meaning, the answers will be the same. "The Lone Wolf is still single cause when it comes to finding a soulmate the journey never have a final destination that's known..." And, if one unable to understand that response then you have never tried to walk a mile in the Lone Wolf's shoes. Let's break it down for a second:
For most of the Lone Wolf's life, he has been mainly the "go to person" on the matriarch side of his family. The Lone Wolf has been trying to "payback" as much love, hard work, and affections that his mother has shown him throughout the years of his upbringing. The Lone Wolf knows that one can never be able to pay back one-tenth of the love and kindness that his mother has shown him throughout his natural born life. But, the Lone Wolf never stopped striving to accomplish that goal. Now, he is officially the last of his siblings to have never been married or in a long lasting serious relationship over a year. The Lone Wolf is at another crossroad in his life. Does the Lone Wolf stay on his current path of life with the belif that his soulmate will eventually come into his life? OR, should the Loan Wolf begin to find a new path to wonder in order to meet the potential love of his life?
The answers to either of these questions are not current concern to the Lone Wolf. The Lone Wolf has never doubted what the divine heavens has in store for him and his future. So, the Lone Wofl does not have to worry about when or where his soulmate will enter his life. IF he meets a woman that gives him the "red flags", he continues on his path of life. IF the Lone Wolf finds a "common spark of love" with a woman he meets, then he knows to pursue that course of actions until something in that relationship tells him to venture further with it to see where it goes. There are no guarantees in life, but if one does not risk everything to see where love will go, then life is not worth living.
Eventually, the Lone Wolf will find a true love to marry. Hopefully, she will be his fabled "soulmate" that he has been searching all of his life. Anything less than "bliss", or "serenity", with the one that he loves is not worth continuing a relationship with her until he finally discovers it. Regardless, you can trust that the Lone wolf will "never marry out the fear of being alone" in life. Cause IF a continuous life of solitude if what "Fate" has laid out for the Lone Wolf, then so be it. But, the Lone Wolf will never comes to accept a life of solitude with a good fight in finding his "soulmate". This is the way of the Lone Wolf...
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