I know this newest career ascension in my life comes with rewards, responsibilities, and new challenges. I need to take full advantage of the experiences and growth that I am gaining each day in my new position. I love what I do for a career. I know that I am capable of handling the job duties of my new position. I just need to believe in myself and validate the expectations that have been placed on me. I just need to remember my own pep speech, "Let the work keep speaking for itself." So, the game plan should never change: Move into new position, catch up to speed with cases, and continue implementing the course of the case preparations until it is to standards. I know that I am not afraid of working long hours or driving long distances to complete my goals. This new career position should not ever change my game plan. There are still subordinates to supervisor, still cases to investigate and route, still side projects to complete, and (in between all of that) take time to breathe.
So, the self doubting of myself ends when my eyes open in the morning. The "Lone Wolf" mentality must show itself again and start handing its business. And, I loose this promotion due to failing to meet the expectations of my new attorney. I learn from those shortcomings, improve upon them wherever, and use my new on-the-job experience wherever I may be assigned at my job with no hard feelings. It is not that I have fallen down during a challenge, it's what I'll do after I stand back up. Regardless where this new career will take me in life, I know I will be okay. I will always have the positive expectations and respect of my peers to do what I only know to do, which is consistent good job in my assigned tasks. Now, my pep talk to myself is over. Handle it!!!... ;)
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