Thursday, April 30, 2009

Retrospect: The Lone Wolf on being alone vs being lonely...

Alone (adjective): Being apart from others; solitary.
Lonely (adjective): Unhappy at being alone; longing for friends, company, etc.

The Lone Wolf on being alone-
The Lone Wolf has became accustomed to living alone. When living alone, choices can be made knowing that the outcome will only affect one's self instead of others. Leaving his domicile whenever he chooses, and returning home whenever he pleases, is the life of the Lone Wolf. Living alone is knowing that you are currently living on you own with anyone else to share the household chores with, or help pay the monthly bills. With all that in mind, the Lone Wolf stills finds content in living alone. To the Lone Wolf, living alone means relaxing to the silence of one's own place when he returns home from work. Enjoying the ability to sleep anywhere on his bed whenever he decides to go to sleep. Preparing meals that he does not have to worry if anyone else would want to eat. In short, living alone is another factor in the Lone Wolf's daily habitat.

The Lone Wolf on being lonely-
The Lone Wolf does not see himself as being a lonely entity in life. To the Lone Wolf, loneliness would seem to imply that he is desperate to share his world with someone special. As much as the Lone Wolf would very much like to find his soul mate to share the rest of his life with, he is far from being emotionally desperate to fulfill such a desire. Cause to the Lone Wolf, no relationship is worth having if it is done out of the need to quickly satisfy a desperate loneliness. Even though it is true that all Lone Wolves desires to be a part of a family of his won, loneliness can eventually be the end result for most Lone Wolves. Nothing more terrifying to the Lone Wolf than to leave this world of existence with any family and friends by his side. That is the very definition of loneliness to the Lone Wolf. Fortunatley, the Lone Wolf is blessed to have family and friends that are an asset in his daily life.

There is no certain future for the Lone Wolf as far as him living the rest of his life alone, or feeling lonely while living alone. The Lone Wolf believes that he is currently living his life the way that wants to live it. So, the Lone Wolf is okay with living his life alone until he finally meets his significant other.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Retrospect: The Lone Wolf on the losses of his friends and love ones...

Death (noun): the absence of life or state of being dead.

The Lone Wolf deals with the ideal of death on a daily basis at work. But, the Lone Wolf does not choose to have to think about death in his personal life. The Lone Wolf even put away the thought of even having to attend a funeral for his friends or love ones cause it makes him think about the finality of it all. Death and the Lone Wolf is as opposite in concepts as night and day. The Lone Wolf chooses to be an example of life. And, death is he constant opponent the Lone Wolf has to eventually concede to during his life. Regardless, the Lone Wolf finds the ideal of death as an important factor of life. No one can live forever. Hence, death is the certainty that one will receive after their life force leaves their body.

When it comes to the Lone Wolf's friends, he feels a dear sense of loss whenever it occurs. Especially if the friend is very close to his heart. The least the Lone Wolf feels obligated out of respect for his friend's death is to volunteer the carry their casket to its final resting place. To the Lone Wolf, death of a friends always brings about the sense of one's mortality limitations. According to the Lone Wolf, one should take the time to tell his friends how much they mean to him. But, like many things in life, it is usually too late to say kind things to his friends once they leave this world.

When it comes to the Lone Wolf's love ones, he usually cannot find the will to attend the funerals of his most dearest love ones. The sadness the Lone Wolf feels is sometimes to much to handle. Death, in this case, causes the Lone Wolf to have to deal with all the good memories he once shared with each of those love ones. And, the prospects of no future memories with those love ones hurts even more with him. It is to that end that death feels very painful to the Lone Wolf's heart during a funeral of his love ones. Dealing with the death of his love one brings no joy for the Lone Wolf. Words can not start to properly describe the void that is felt with the Lone Wolf's loss of his love ones.

When it comes to the untimely passing of his friends and love ones, the Lone Wolf hopes that one day he may also be surrounded by his friends and family while heading towards his final resting place. For this reason, the Lone Wolf only hopes that those that are still living their lives on this Earth will think of him with more positive memories than negative ones. This is the Lone Wolf's retrospects on the losses of his friends and love ones...

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Lone Wolf's abilities: The Martial Arts

The Lone Wolf is not a master of the martial arts in any way. Yet, the Lone Wolf could be described as a "Jack of many trades..." when it comes to his martial arts abilities.

The Lone Wolf's martial arts training includes disciplines in street fighting, Kempo, Philippine Martial Arts, Close Quarter Tactics, the expandable Baton, and kick boxing. To the Lone Wolf, martial arts is one of the most important abilities to have in his line of work. There are some spaces that may be too small for hard weapon usage, there are times that a firearm is not at the threat level enough to be exhibited or used. And, there may be times when all you have in order to defend yourself or others may be only your hands and feet. This is where the Lone Wolf believes the martial arts will always come in handy in those types of sticky situations.

When it comes to using martial arts, the Lone Wolf attempts to use it as a defensive measure first in his personal life before resorting to using it as a offensive measure. But, in the work environment, it calls for the Lone Wolf to be definitely ready for it to be used offensively while trying to use the martial arts in a defensive measure as much as possible. Because in the Lone Wolf's line of work, the way one uses their martial arts training is the difference between catching an offense or a lawsuit against you and placing an offender in jail with the least amount of force needed.

The Lone Wolf also uses the teaching from his martial arts years attempt to find a constant harmony with his personal, business, and spiritual lives with some of the Eastern Philosophy of Taoism. Taoism (noun): philosophical system developed by of Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu advocating a simple honest life and noninterference with the course of natural events. Without studying up on various Eastern Philosophies (Confucianism, Buddhist philosophy, a little Lao Tzu), the Lone Wolf would not have made it through some tough stressful times in his life. Taoism to the Lone Wolf is another reference of guidance in his life, along with the Bible. They provide helpful information of inspiration when you search for it with an open mind and a good heart.

Overall, the Lone Wolf loves being a martial arts enthusiast. He keeps it in his mind while working out to make sure he is working out the right parts of the body that can provide the maximum amount of force when a need calls for it. The Lone Wolf also began incorporating the punching bag into his workouts in order to maintain his kick boxing training. Kickboxing has been a very good source of cardio-training for the Lone Wolf. Kickboxing allows the Lone Wolf to punch and kick something without going to jail for assaulting something (it is a joke). The Lone Wolf knows that one can have all the martial arts abilities in the world. But, if one does nothing to maintain it, then it is like a person that immediately smokes after working out (It's just a waste of time with their mind, body, and soul).

Martial arts has been a very positive influence in the Lone Wolf's life in more ways than one. The Lone Wolf attempts to pass on his limited knowledge of the martial arts from time to time to those who would positively benefit from it most. Since the martial arts is an ever evolving entity of life, the Lone Wolf will strive towards improving and maintaining his martial arts abilities...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Lone Wolf's abilties: Physical Fitness

When it comes to the Lone Wolf, "Never judge a book by its cover...".

This includes the Lone Wolf's physical abilities. The Lone Wolf is apt to face a number of dangerous encounters while out in the field. So, the Lone Wolf must be physically fit to handle such potential encounters. While functioning as a Lone Wolf, he must be able to handle such potential threats on his own, or until other of his kind are able to come to his aide. The Lone Wolf must also strive to be in physical shape for his own health reasons. Lone Wolves usually have no off springs to carry on their bloodline. The Lone Wolf must continue to strive to live as long as he or she is able to live out in this world. So, staying in physical shape is a necessity for the Lone Wolf's way of life.

The Lone Wolf is only as healthy as he chooses to be. The Lone is always aware of this fact. The Lone Wolf has been known to spend up to at least three hours in an attempt to maintain his health. Cardio is one the Lone Wolf's most vital ally of fitness. Without cardio, there is no endurance for the Lone Wolf to perform any task for a long period of time. Without strength, there is no power for the Lone Wolf to physically be able to perform any task. And, without flexibility, there is no way for the Lone Wolf to be able to use his endurance and power to complete those same tasks. But, it all starts in the gym or a dojo of the Lone Wolf's choice. The Lone Wolf finds a peaceful zen whenever he workout out in either environment. Especially, when the Lone Wolf is listening to music that continues to motivate him during his workouts.

Being physically in shape is as important to the Lone Wolf as the blood that flows through his body. Without either of these elements, the Lone Wolf does not stand the chance of living a long life. The Lone Wolf also believes that working out allows him to also burn off the stress that may weigh on him from time to time. These are just a few reasons why the Lone Wolf strives to remain physically fit. This is the physical fitness of the Lone Wolf.

The Lone Wolf's abilties: Hunting for people or things

Hunting (noun): the activity of looking thoroughly in order to find something or someone.

The Lone Wolf, if he is not none of anything else, is known for his hunting abilities. For this reason, hunting will always be a part of the Lone Wolf ways. As with most predators in life, the Lone Wolf has just as many bad days on the hunt than good ones. But, when the hunt is a matter of success or failure for an important job task, the Lone Wolf appears to obtain a knack for locating that very someone or something before his scheduled deadlines And, with the Lone Wolf's hunting abilities comes more requests from others to find more things and more people for the completion of their hob tasks. The Lone Wolf has no problems coming to the constant aide of these requests cause he lives to help others. Hence, hunting must also remain a vital part of the Lone Wolf's ability to continue to help others.

It is to this end with the Lone Wolf that stories of his various hunting adventures have began to sound almost legendary in their accounts by those that have benefited from those hunts. From these hunts, the Lone Wolf seeks no compensation for his efforts. The Lone Wolf, in fact, usually attempts to down play the successful hunts when asked about how he was able to complete such a task. To the Lone Wolf, a hunt is only as successful as the determination that one is willing to put into it. These hunts by the Lone Wolf has been known to occur before and after regular business hours. Some of these hunts have also been known to occur over the course of a weekend. And, these hunts have usually taken the Lone Wolf into the virtue world of the internet in order to find a scent, or a good lead, to find his prey.

One legendary tale of the Lone Wolf's hunts tells of a possible witness being found after almost 20 years later that was said on more than one occasion to have been dead by the mother of a defendant. The Lone Wolf was able to even speak with the witness to prove the defendant's mother was wrong. There is another tale of the Lone Wolf's hunt that involved the finding another witness 13 years later in another state, who even had a name changed during this time in or for her to return to Texas and testify about how a defendant once molested her when she was 8 years old. And, there was are tells of the Lone Wolf being about to locate things for evidence that would usually be very difficult for others to attempt to locate. The Lone Wolf may even to attempt to hunt for people or things that may be impossible to locate. But, he always tell his requester why that particular hunt may not be impossible to be successful. The Lone Wolf have been known to locate a sought witness within 10 minutes while others have taken months for the hunt to finally become successful.

Overall, the thrill of a hunt for the Lone Wolf is the potential to become successful in that hunt. The Lone Wolf believes that it is pointless to began a hunt if he does not already believe that it is "possible" to find that person or thing during that hunt. The Lone Wolf has been known to speak many of sleepless nights thinking about various ways to locate a person or thing in order to end that hunt. It is for this reason the Lone Wolf usually relies on thinking "outside of the box" in order to bring the hunt to a successful end. There are people in the world that are also born with the natural ability to hunt. Others may obtain their hunting abilities through trial and error until they can consistently be able to hunt with confidence. The Lone Wolf uses as many resources within his abilities in order to bring a requested hunt to an end. If the Lone Wolf comes up short or fails during one of his hunts, he then strives to improve on better ways to not repeat that same failure in future hunts.

The Lone Wolf remains realistic enough to know that not all of his hunts will be successful no matter how hard he tries. This is the grounding force of the Lone Wolf's hunting abilities.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Philosophies of the Lone Wolf: Love, Integrity, Self, and Respect

The philosophies of the Lone Wolf are grounded around four general principals: Love, Integrity, Self, and Respect. Neither of these principals carry any specific hierarchy of importance to the Lone Wolf.

The Lone Wolf's philosophy on "Love"-
Love is one of those emotions that the Lone Wolf could never seem to get a handle on. The Lone Wolf finds love as another one of those double edge swords in his life cause he both desires and fears it at the same time. As the Lone Wolf ages with time, his attempt to find love becomes more and more less likely to occur during his lifetime. Yet, with the prospect of never finding love, the Lone Wolf does not appear to be too worried over this possibility. In short, if the Lone Wolf finds love, he's okay with that notion. And, if the Lone Wolf never finds love with someone special, then he's also okay with that notion. The inability to not find love by now has not cause the Lone Wolf to become too concerned over this misfortune. According to the Lone Wolf, he rather live his life doing the things that make him feel happy and with a purpose than worrying over things that can sometimes be out of his own control to make possible. A Lone Wolf rather continue to exist in life alone than to waste a woman's time with a serious relationship if he has not come to love her, yet...

The Lone Wolf's philosophy on "Integrity"-
Integrity is a quality that the Lone Wolf has always strives to maintain with anyone that he shares a daily encounter with in life. The Lone Wolf believes that if a person does not possess anything of value in this world, a person's integrity goes a long way with him. To the Lone Wolf, without integrity there is no trust between two people. And, if there is not trust between two people, there is not need to maintain a relationship of any kind with that person. It is for this reason, respect and integrity go hand in hand to the Lone Wolf. The Lone Wolf does not find it necessary to praise his efforts in order for him to continue to produce good work. With Integrity, the Lone Wolf wants his work to always stand on its on merit. In short, integrity means everything to the Lone Wolf's way of life...

The Lone Wolf's philosophy on "Self"-
The Lone Wolf can be his greatest supporter and his own worst enemy. When the Lone Wolf makes a mistake he is more down on himself than how others would be on him. But, eventually the Lone Wolf picks himself back up and attempts to never make that same mistake again. To the Lone Wolf, in order to improves one's self, one must first be willing to check himself internally (mind and soul) for faults before trying to improve any external appearances (body). The Lone Wolf believes that there can be great wisdom when one chooses to listen to their inner conscious. And, to go against one's one gut instinct is usually later regretted.

To the Lone Wolf, to believe in one's self is paramount in his daily life. And, as a daily reminder, the Lone Wolf leaves a poster on his office wall to keep him focused: "When there is a way, there is you!" With this reminder in mind, the Lone Wolf believes that one must always be capable of thinking outside of the box when attempting to find a resolution to a problem. The Lone Wolf attempts to teach that to believe in one's self does not mean that one should be selfish in their ways. Some tasks in life can be a little to much for the Lone Wolf to handle on his own. So, the Lone Wolf is never above his own pride to seek assistance from anyone.

When working with others on a task or assignment, the Lone Wolf works just as effective with a team whenever times dictate a need for him to do so. Otherwise, the Lone Wolf usually performs in life as if he is not expecting anyone else to come to his assistance while dealing with a dilemma or job task. The Lone Wolf's philosophy of Self is more of a positive way of keeping up one's motivation and focus with himself on a daily basis.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Codes of the Lone Wolf's Philosophy: Faith

Faith (noun): a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny.

The Lone Wolf's Code of Faith is not very difficult to understand cause it is based on one simple notion of thought that there is a higher power that watches over us that everyone will eventually have to answer to when their life force has left this plain of existence. Meaning, once we leave this world of existence, we all must face our maker and be judged on our merits of past transgressions in order to determine where will our life forces be sent, either to a higher level of existence or be returned to a lower level of existence until atonement has been successfully complied. In short, one that walks the path of the Lone Wolf believes, "No one person is above being judged for their past deeds by a higher power."

When the Lone Wolf practices the Code of Faith, he or she does not need a specific religion in order to be spiritual in their mind, heart, and soul. When one walks a journey to a final destination, it is not the destination itself that keeps the Lone Wolf on path, it's the continuous journey being endured is what really matters. Faith to the Lone Wolf can be simply obtained by taking one step at a time while existing one day at a time while caring for others the best as one could care for another, and enduring life as much as one could endure with meaning and purpose. For the Lone Wolf to not have faith as a part of their daily existence, would be as pointless as choosing not to stop breathing the air that one must breathe on a daily basis. Faith is a very integral part of the Lone Wolf's being. To the Lone Wolf, faith and spirituality also goes hand and hand in their daily life.

It is said that with faith, the Lone Wolf can face any opponent in battle with a clear conscious and a light heart. During a battle, the Lone Wolf never holds any ill will towards their opponents. In theory, with faith, the Lone Wolf comes to respect their opponent no matter what the outcome of their battle against each other may be. It is for this reason the Lone Wolf sees a battle on a daily basis as a test of their own faith by those who may choose not to walk the correct path of life. A battle between two Lone Wolves will always be with respect and friendliness. And, it is within this same Code of Faith, the Lone Wolf believes it is never their place to cause unnecessary harm to those that do not walk the same path of them. Hence, to the Lone Wolf, judgment is left for a higher power to make.

To say that the Lone Wolf is incapable of straying from the Code of Faith would be ludicrous to think. The Lone Wolf in their simplest form is still human and is capable of making mistakes from time to time. Yet, one must be willing to do what ever it takes to find their way back to the correct path of life again in order to be a practitioner of the Lone Wolf's Code of Faith. Regardless, the Lone Wolf only wishes that those that choose not to practice the Code of Faith at least continue attempt to seek, find, and practice some type of spiritual absolution that is in sync with their individual lives. This is the Lone Wolf's Code of Faith.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Codes of the Lone Wolf's Philosophy: Family

Family (noun): people descended from a common ancestor; an association of people who share common beliefs or activities.

Family is the second highest trait held by the Lone Wolf. A Lone Wolf's greatest pride is their family. To a Lone Wolf family transcends beyond bloodline or common ancestry. Lone Wolves have been known to regard many of their closest friends as family. Family will always holds the key to the Lone Wolf's future. If a Lone Wolf dies before bringing an offspring of their own into the world, the Lone Wolf's family still possess the stories and memories of the Lone Wolf for future generations to hear. With this fact, the spirit of the Lone Wolf will never die because his DNA is still embedded with the family. Life of the Lone Wolf's family continues to moves on.

With any family, their are sibling rivals. Certain siblings of the Lone Wolf may get along with each more peacefully than with other siblings. But, when a family crisis occur, the family usually find a way to band together in order to face that crisis. To a Lone Wolf, their respect for their elders still hold strong. Yet, it is not uncommon for a Lone Wolf to loose its faith in an elder or any other family member that fails to not share the common goals of the family. The Lone Wolf understands that family member do sometimes grow apart as each siblings go out into the wilderness to form new families. This must occur for the growth of the family. But, no matter the distance of separation between the siblings, the Lone Wolves still feel the adhesive blood bonds of their siblings.

The Code of Family to a Lone Wolf is sacred. Many of family members may have given their heart and life experiences to a Lone Wolf to aide in their attempts to successfully exist in the world. The Lone Wolf understands that they are an extension of their family. And, sometimes the Lone Wolf must return the family to aide their elders when they are in need. It is called the "Cycle of Life." Meaning, wolf pups are raised by the family until it is able to move around on its own. That same wolf pup becomes a young wolf. And, different family members teach the young wolf about life and hazards that may exist in the world. The young wolf becomes old enough to leave the family to obtain the remaining lessons that only trial and error can provide to a Lone Wolf.

Lone Wolf eventually returns around the family whenever needed in order to complete the "Circle of Life". This is done because the Lone Wolf knows that family is usually the only entity left in their life when they can no longer fend for themselves anymore. To a Lone Wolf, to attempt to not aide in the "Cycle of Life" is choosing to not give back to the family. This is not tolerated or practiced by a Lone Wolf practitioner. The Lone Wolf believes that "Karma" has a way of dealing with such members that commit such an disrespecting act to their family without reason. Without a family to nurture their growth, a Lone Wolf would not be able to make their existence positively known out in the world. This is the Code of Family of the Lone Wolf's philosophy.

Codes of the Lone Wolf's Philosophy: Friendship

Friend (noun): a person you know well and regard with affection and trust.
Friendship (noun): a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically one exclusive of sexual or family relations.

The Code of Friendship is one of the most positive traits of a Lone Wolf practitioner. Even though a Lone Wolf basically lives a solitary lifestyle, a Lone Wolf does find time to meet and hang out with friends. Interaction with friends is a basic needs of any Lone Wolf practitioner. Without friends, the Lone Wolf would not be able to maintain their social sanity while wandering through their daily jungle of life. And, the Lone Wolf works extremely well when placed with a group of friends to complete an assigned task or to participate in a fun competitive activity. Because of friends, a Lone Wolf will always be able to go through life knowing someone out in the world will be able to come to their aide if ever needed. With this knowledge, a person's friendship has been already earned with a Lone Wolf. The more a friend is honest and becomes reliable to a Lone Wolf, the more a Lone Wolf learn to trust and become very reliable to that same friend.

A true friend accepts a Lone Wolf as he or she is. Meaning, a true friend comes to realize that a Lone Wolf is at their best without having to conform to any one's strict ideals about friendship. Such ideals is as constricting to a Lone Wolf as humanitarian trying to domesticate a natural wild animal. Trust without boundaries and good faith goes hand and hand with a Lone Wolf and their friends. Let it be known that a Lone Wolf does not hesitate to break ties with a friend that have tendencies to intentionally ans knowingly break the law, use illegal drugs, or constantly disrespect them or anyone else for no good reason. The Lone Wolf is not perfect. So, the Lone Wolf understands that people do make mistakes from time to time.

But, some mistakes cannot be condoned by the Lone Wolf. One such mistake is when one friend threatens or injures a Lone Wolf, or their friends or family members. This is one wrongful act that will not be tolerated by a Lone Wolf, no matter how long they have been friends together. Such negativity is not the way of the Lone Wolf. And, if any friend steals or intentionally deceives a Lone Wolf is immediately ran off from his pack of close friends. Once a person is no longer a friend of the Lone Wolf, there is not coming back to the fold. With this fact, a Lone Wolf must constantly attempt to live by example to their friends. And, a Lone wolf must not be afraid to try to aide as a voice of reasoning whenever circumstances may information or advice to be dispensed to their friend, whether the friend uses it or not.

Overall, The Code of Friendship is held most highest to a Lone Wolf's existence. It is not a code that the Lone Wolf attempts to not take for granted with their friends. And, the code helps the Lone Wolf to remain "real" with their friends. When it comes to a Lone Wolf, it is never too late to make friends and network. Yet, when it comes to their friends, the Lone Wolf ultimately knows that no friendship is worth loosing their own identity over them, wrongfully disrespecting another friend or family member over them, loosing their job over them, becoming financially ruined over them, or going to jail over them. This is the Code of Friendship of the Lone Wolf's philosophy.

Codes of the Lone Wolf's Philosophy: Heart

Heart (noun): the courage to carry on.

One of the strongest attributes of a Lone Wolf practitioner has to be their heart. The "Code of Heart" is based on an age ole saying: "Treat those as how you would to be treated..." The Lone Wolf acknowledges that having heart can sometimes be a double edge sword to possess. For example, there have many of times a Lone Wolf practitioner has allowed others to take advantage of their good nature to the point that it almost breaks their spirit to carry on the positive path they have chosen to follow in life. Yet, in the end, a Lone Wolf practitioner eventually finds their way back to their heart and learn from their last disrespecting experience. You see, to be a practitioner of the Lone Wolf's philosophy, "Karma" has a way of balancing out the wrongful acts that another person has committed against them. So, it is not the usual ways of a Lone Wolf to practice an "eye for an eye" type of justice onto their wrong doers. A Lone Wolf also patiently believes that fate has a way of dealing with such a wrongful person.

With heart, pains of the flesh can temporarily be blocked out long enough for a Lone Wolf to complete any task laid before them. Heart enables a Lone Wolf to see beyond the outward appearances of another and attempts to find their inner beauty or purpose. Heart causes a Lone Wolf to never give into fear during a competition and overcomes that fear whether they win or loose. And, heart allows a Lone Wolf to leave the judgment of another to the higher powers of justice and punishment. In essence, the heart to a Lone Wolf is similar to the air that one needs in order to breathe cause without either of these two entities of life a Lone Wolf can cease to exist as a human being.

Heart allows a Lone Wolf to also see things from another person's perspective during a debate about something. Heart makes a Lone Wolf find a solution or resolution to a dilemma that no else was able to see. It is said that a Lone Wolf can be patient enough to find their way through a forest of confusion and doubt to the tree of righteousness. If you asked a group of ten different people how they may describe a Lone Wolf they recently conversed with, at least 8 out of 10 of those people will most likely be able to describe the same positive attributes of that Lone Wolf. To the be a practitioner of the Lone Wolf's philosophy is to want to be more of an asset to the world than a hindrance. Cause to a Lone Wolf, you are either be a part of society's solutions or a part of society's problems. And, the Lone Wolf is going to always stay away from the negative influences of the latter. This is the Code of Heart of the Lone Wolf's Philosophy...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Codes of the Lone Wolf's Philosophy: Order

Chaos (noun): a state of extreme confusion and disorder.

Order is one of the most utilized codes by a practitioner of Lone Wolf philosophy. According to the Lone Wolf's philosophy, "If there is no order in one's life, there will usually be consumes by chaos." Whether it is accomplished by common sense or by enforcement of the law, one will not be able to keep order in their own surroundings until one is able to first resolute the chaos of the self. If the Lone Wolf works in the capacity as a teacher, then one must be able to "talk the talk" and "walk the walk" in what he or she is teaching. For a Lone Wolf to live by example one's own Code of Order is the best way for others to also strive to live by their own positive Code of Order. A Lone Wolf ways would be an oxymoron to teach a student about living a Code of Order, but then lives his or her own life in chaos. Where is the lesson in that teaching?

To stray away from a Code of Order from time to time is human. There are no perfect people in this life, only people with perfect intentions. So, the Code of Order should be used more sparingly as a guidance tool with common sense being utilized as a moral backup. A Code of Order may not always work appropriately with every dilemma that will be encountered on a daily basis. So one must be capable of adapting their Code of Order to that particular dilemma. Never forget that one must still be able to approach all dilemmas with an open mind; and, be willing to think outside of the box. To be close minded to a dilemma should never be the way of the Lone Wolf's philosophy.

A Lone Wolf should not be too naive to believe that every dilemma can be immediately remedied. A Lone Wolf during the investigation and resolution of a dilemma must strive to be as patient as a thinker, as thorough as a researcher, and as articulate as a teacher while utilizing the Code of Order to maintain one's level headiness. And, a practitioner of the Lone Wolf's Code of Order must ultimately strive to seek a peaceful resolution to a dilemma, first, before the utilization of more drastic alternative measurements. But, regardless of the dilemma, always be prepared for the potential unexpected actions of another. This is the Code of Order of the Lone Wolf's Philosophy...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Path of the young wolf: The art of fighting...

It doesn't matter to the flexible willow tree which way the wind blows it. The tree is firmly rooted and lets the potentially destructive forces of the wind move past it without struggling against it. It is content to be blown to the right as well as to the left. The bending and flexing actually make it stronger and able to withstand bigger and stronger forces. You too can cultivate the ability to gain strength from the ever-changing forces in your life by deciding to consciously practice being flexible. (Article Source:

While following the round wolf along the path that seems to never ending, I come up three fighting rings with two holographic men boxing each other in it. I am one of the holographic men inside of each of the rings. And, the other holographic men inside those fighting rings were the different opponents that I fought against during my three amateur boxing competitions. I recalled the first amateur boxing competition occurred in 1988, while I was in college, during a "Sigma Chi Fight Night" boxing event. It was my first boxing competition. I won that competition with a Technical Knock Out (TKO) during the second round, I believe.

The voice, which I heard during previous questionings, asked me, "Do you know how you defeated that opponent?" I responded, "Yeah, I knocked him out. And, I won..." The voice responded, "You explained how you won the the boxing match. Look at that more closer to what you did to win that match. Now, tell me how did you defeat your opponent." I replied, "My opponent did not keep his boxing gloves closer together to protect this face. I was able to keep punching the opponent in the nose to the point that he was unable to breath through his nose, which caused him to have to breath with only his mouth..." The voice told me to continue, "Eventually, the opponent appear to become light headed from the punches to his nose. And, my opponent appeared to have lost consciousness and almost fell all the way out of the right..."

The voice asked me, "Do you think that was the only reason you defeated your opponent, my friend?" "What do you getting at with that question?", I asked. The voice replied, "Did you not think your opponent was just as fit as you were during that competition?" I responded, "After watching him during the first round of our boxing, I did not think he was just as much in shape as I was." The voice pointed out that the boxing competition, in that competition, was mine alone to win or loose. The voice added that I observed a weakness in my opponent's strategy of boxing and I capitalized on it. And, I was able to be in enough shape to take advantage of that weakness after lasting through the first round. By the second round, my opponent was becoming tired. And, was concentrating on being tire than a new strategy to end the fight as soon as possible with me. The voice asked, "Do this information sound familiar to you, my friend?" I knew the voice was referring back to my sparring session with my sensei that I lost...

The two holographic images fighting each other in the first ring disappeared. I began watching the next fight that I recalled occurring in 1989. I was still in college during this boxing competition. I won that "Sigma Chi Fight Night" boxing event being won with a "Unanimous decision" in my favor. The voice asked, "How come you were unable to knock out this opponent, my friend?" I replied, "I gave this opponent everything that I had with my punches. But, he refused to go down. By the third round, I had to just run out the clock by back pedaling away from my opponent cause I was almost tap out on my strength. But, he did not take advantage of boxing during the last round to try to get the best of me. I lucked out of that fight." The voice responded, " You sell yourself short, my friend. You gave a good boxing match. But, sometimes the will of the mind can overcome the will of the body. You opponent did not want to go down. He rather loose the boxing match standing than to loose that match by anyone knocking him out. So, in a way your opponent won the match, also..." I agreed with the voice's point of view. And, that holographic boxing match disappeared.

The third holographic boxing match occurred after I graduated from college in 1991. Not knowing who my opponent would be for that event, I was able to enlist the assistance of an ex-marine that used to box while he was in the service to get me into boxing shape. It was the first time I had access to a punching bag to workout on. I finally observed my opponent once he entered the ring. My opponent outweighed me by fifty pounds. The voice responded, "You could have quit the match, my friend. Why didn't you?" I responded, "I was not a quitter. And, I wanted to see if I could go the full three rounds with my opponent". The voice asked, "So, you felt a fighter's rush, eh?" I replied, "IF that is what you want to call it. I never had a chance to fight an opponent that was bigger and possibly more stronger than me before. I had to find out if I could hold my own against him."

As I replayed that boxing match in my head, my opponent took control of the first round of that boxing match. My first mistake was attempting to go toe to toe with a person that was much bigger than me. My opponent was able to push me into one of the corners where he was able to keep me pinned there while he was able to beat the hell out of me. I could not move the big guy. And, when he punched me in my jaw. I thought I was going to finally see how it felt to be knocked out for the first time. I was literally saved by the bell in that first round. I was about to throw in the towel and quit the boxing competition. The crowd was yelling out the name of my opponent as if he won the first round. I was tired, and my jaw was beginning to hurt a little. I was beginning to think that my opponent was to much of a match for me. Then, for some reason, I looked over to where my family and friends were seating. And, they were still cheering me on to keep fighting. I saw that they still believed that I could win this boxing match. And, I did not want to let them down. So, I decided to stay in the boxing match to prove them right.

Before the sound of the bell for the second round to begin, I could then hear my ex-marine buddy yell out to me that I needed to "stick and move" on that big guy. He was letting me know that the big guy would not be able to touch me, if I keep punching the big guy and then quickly moving away before my opponent try to throw a punch at me. My friend was right. I shouldn't be playing into my opponent's strategies of trying to go toe to toe with him. To do that stupid stunt will result like what occurred to me in the first round. I had to get that big guy into my strategies of sticking and moving, or I will loss this boxing competition. The good things was I still had two more rounds to try to win this boxing competition. So, when the bell rung, I began boxing to my strengths.

I still felt fit enough to move around the boxing ring. My opponent did not appear to want to move around the ring with me. Why did I not see that fact during the first round. My opponent wants to keep the fight in the middle of the ring to use his strengths of pushing me back into the corner again. So, whenever my opponent tried to follow me away from the center of the ring, I would began punching him. I even got enough courage during the second round to take the fight back to my opponent when he began showing signs that he was becoming tired. I was able to get a good strong punch at my opponent's face which caused him to fall backwards into the ropes, just as the bell for the second round to end rung. I figured out how to defeat my opponent: He was not in condition to move around the ring. And, he showing signs to breathing too hard while he was waiting for the third round to begin.

During the third round, I began getting the best of my opponent. My opponent was showing signs of being very fatigued while moving around the ring. He was becoming frustrated with me cause I would not box him toe to toe. And, as long as I kept baiting him to move with me around the ring, the more I was able to keep punching on him. My opponent did not want to punch at the same time he was moving towards me cause it was tiring him out. Near the end of the third round the crowd was now shouting my name instead of my opponent's name cause I had gotten the best of him with my stick and move tactics during the last two rounds. And, I won the boxing match with an unanimous decision.

The voice said, "So, you finally figured out your opponent's weaknesses during that boxing match. You became flexible to your opponent's strengths. And, you adapted your strategies to worked against the opponent's weaknesses, right?" I agreed with him. The voice continued, "Do you think you could have done this well against your opponent if your family and friends where not there to cheer you on during that boxing event, my friend?" Without hesitation, I told the voice, "I get my extra boost of energy from my family and friends cheering me on in any competition cause I never want to let them down. But, the chance to see what I am capable of achieving against an opponent who is much larger and possibly stronger than me is going to always be a motivation to see if I can defeat him or not. I live to be in those types of challenges, I guess, win or loose..." When the last holographic fighters disappeared, I found myself standing at the original crossroads again as if I never left it. I didn't see the young wolf that took me through the journeys of my past fighting experiences. And, I do not know what fate has in store for me next...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Path of the wolf pup: The lessons from fights lost...

There are two types of fights: planned and unplanned. A planned fight has an established set of rules. Examples would be a boxing match, a martial arts tournament, or a wrestling event. Unplanned fights are usually street fights with a wide variety of unpredictable factors, which makes them far more dangerous (

As I was led down my misty path by a wolf pup, I am still trying to figure out whether or not I am experiencing a dream or is this really happening to me. The wolf pup has now grown to the height of my knee area. And, young wolf's coat turned grey in color. The young wolf eventually stopped me in front of what can only described as being three orbs floating over my path. Each of the orbs appear to be displaying various videos of past fights that I have experienced. The orb to my left was replaying a fight that I had with a neighborhood bully who was definitely more stronger than me. The orb located directly in front of me was replaying an incident where I had gotten punched in my nose by a tall student that attended my new elementary school. And, the third orb to my right was replaying a sparring match with one of my Kempo senseis who was much smaller than me in build and weight.

I walked over to the first orb and touched it. I then found myself watching the fight I had with the neighborhood bully. I recalled the neighborhood bully was winning the fight that day. I was not punching the bully back while he was hitting me repeatedly. My older brother stood by while I was getting beat up by that bully. I knew the bully would never fight my older brother. But, my brother allowed the fight to continue. The kids in the neighborhood also stood by while the bully was beating me up. Why was anyone helping me? I recalled finally getting mad enough to start fighting the bully back. I began doing round house kicks towards the bully. The kicks were not hitting the bully. But, the kicks were keeping the bully from attacking me. I managed to make the bully fall backwards into some bushes that were in front of my aunt's house. I thought the fight was over. But, it wasn't. It just made the bully more determined to beat me up after getting out of the bushes. Before the bully could start beating me up, again, my brother finally stepped in between us and ended that fight. The bully did not give my brother no problems. And, my fight with the neighborhood bully was over.

I suddenly heard the same voice from before asked me, "Do you know why your brother finally came to your rescue to stop that fight?" I answered the voice, "Looking back at it, now, I guess my brother was waiting to see if I was going to ever stand up for myself to that bully." Without any responses from the voice, I was returned to where the young wolf was located, which was back in front of the three orbs. I guess I must have given the voice the right answer to his question. I then went over to the second orb and touched it. I recalled the events that led to me being punched in the nose by a student that was taller than me. Why did that tall student hit me in the nose in the first place? I only remembered asking that student, after he ran past me, if he could not say excuse me or something for bumping into me. I did not think it warranted the tall student to punch me in my nose. After that incident, I stayed clear of that tall student for the rest of the school year cause I feared being beat up again by that same student. The voice did not asked me a question from that video. I was returned back to where the young wolf was located.

When I touched the third orb, I was watching myself sparring at half speed with my one of my Kempo senseis at the dojo. I recalled being much bigger and stronger than my sensei. I really thought I could win the sparring match with my sensei. I was wrong. My sensei patiently found a vunerable spot to strike upon during each one of my attacks towards him. And, the longer I sparred with my sensei, the more I became tired to the point that I quit sparring with me sensei. My sensei was not even sweating while sparring with me that day. The voice asked me, "Do you know why you lost that sparring match with your sensei?". I responded, "Because I was not in enough shape to out last my sensei." The voice replied, "True. What else?". I could not find the answer to that follow up question. Without hearing anything else from the voice, I was returned to where the young wolf located.

While I was still standing in front of the three orbs, the voice asked me, "What were the common mistakes that you kept making with all three opponents?" I could not understand what the voice was trying to ask me. I told the voice, "I lost each one of them." The voice responded, "Besides that fact, what did all three physical encounters have in common with your losses?" The voice then shouted, "Think, my friend! Think!!!" I kept looking at all three orbs as they kept replaying my three losses. I began thinking to myself, "I lost to two boys that were either stronger or taller than me. And, I lost to a sensei that was smaller and less stronger than me. What am I missing here? What am I not seeing in those videos!?!" The voice told me that I was not going to find my answers in any of the videos. The voice told me that I already know the answer to his question. The voice repeated his questions to me, "What were the common mistakes that you kept making with with all three opponents!?!"

I listed my faults with those three fights, "I guess I did not size up my opponents before fighting them. I did not have ideals on how to either of them. And, I either ended up very embarrassed or very injured from those three fights. The voice began shouting at me, "No, my friend. You did not THINK before you entered into those physical encounters with your opponents. You THOUGHT your big brother, or someone, would rescue you from the first and second fights. You did not THINK of a strategy on how to win or get out of any of those fights. You did not even THINK that the tall student would punch you in the nose in the second fight. You were naive enough to THINK that tall student was going to actually apologize for bumping into you that day. So, you did not THINK to put your guard up to defend yourself against him in case he was going to fight you."

"And, you THOUGHT you were going to EASILY beat your sensei on just your strength alone during the sparring match. You did not THINK that maybe that is why the sensei wanted you to spar with him at HALF SPEED in order to even the playing field for HIM. When you could not beat your sensei with your strength, you played more into sensei's strategies of sparring. Eventually, you became more focused on becoming tire to find a way to immediately beat your sensei to end the sparring exercise. Overall, my friend, you were physically and mentally defeated by your sensei, by the tall student, and by the neighborhood bully. You were already defeated in those three fights because you did not have any strategies to rely on against your opponents! Those were your common weaknesses in all three physical encounters with your opponents, my friend. "

Then, the three orbs faded away. I felt the young wolf tugging on my pants leg again to let me know that my lessons were over for now. And, I continued my journey down that same misty path towards the unknown...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Path of the wolf pup: The bullying first grader...

If you see a wolf in your dreams, they symbolize solitude, self-confidence and pride. And, you're able to keep your composure in a variety of social situations and can blend in with any situation with ease and grace. One is usually a loner by choice. If the wolf is white, then it signifies valor and victory. Which means, you have the ability to see the light even in your darkest hours. (Edited from

As I stand before the crossroads, I am wondering where am I going with my life as a hero and as a person. I am afraid to choose one of the three paths that appears to want to lead me on an unknown journey of unanswered questions. There's a path located to my left, a path directly in front of me, and a path to my right. Neither of the paths showed signs indicating the destinations of those paths that lies ahead for me. Fate sometimes have a funny way of making the choices that we dare not wish to make if we hesitate in thought about something. And, I see that I was of no exception to this phenomenon.

Walking out of the mist of the path to my left was a young white wolf pup. The wolf pup walks up to my left shoe. And, the wolf pup began tugging on my shoe until I figured out that I needed to follow it into the mist of the left path. As I entered into the fog, I began to see different images in my mind that consisted of every fight that I have lost and won in reverse chronological order of my life. The images finally stopped at the very first fight that I experienced which occurred in the first grade. I wondered to myself, "Why was I brought to this time in my life?" I felt as if I was watching the fight from a third person perspective during this experience.

With this experience I was a chunky kid back in the first grade. I recalled my friends calling me "Baby Huey" back in those days because of my abnormal size. I was bigger than the other first graders in my class. And, I was usually picked on by the other first graders because I would never fight back. During one of our school lunch periods, I observed one of the first graders walking over to me to pick a fight. The more that first grader kept pushing on me, the more the other first graders were urging that kid to keep picking on me. That first grader became more and more forceful while pushing on me. I kept trying to keep from getting in a fight with that kid. But, that first grader would not leave me alone. I did not know how to fight during those days. Why did this kid pick on me? I never done anything mean to him.

I remembered being twice the size of that nully. As the other first graders were yelling out loud, "fight, fight, fight..", I kept trying to ask the first grader to stop picking on me. I was also wondering where were my teachers at this time? Why did anyone come to my rescue? When that first grader began punching on me, his punches began to hurt me. I observed that no one was coming to my rescue. I was too scared to yell for help, I could not walk any further away from that first grader that was still hitting on me. That moment in time felt like forever with that first grader picking on me. It did not look like no one was going to stop that first grader from beating me up. I felt all alone. I did not know what to do to get out of this fight with that first grader. All of a sudden, I punched that kid in his stomach with all my might. And, the first grader stopped punching on me. The first grader began grabbing his stomach as if he was in a lot of pain. And, the first grader began crying as if he was hurting in a lot of pain.

I recalled the yelling from the other first graders stopped. And, the teachers finally came out to investigate the playground commotions. After the teachers listened to how the first grader became injured, they took him to the nurse for further examination. Surprisingly, I did not get in trouble for hitting that first grader because I did not start the fight. And, the teachers knew I was not the type of child to hurt my classmates on purpose. The teachers decided to not report the incident to my mother. They wrote my fight incident with that first graders off as "boys being boys". From that day forward, I was no longer being picked on by any of the other first graders. In an instant, I was pulled out of that experience the first grader. I was standing in a dark room with a lone overhead light shining down on me. I could not see the wolf pup. And, I could not see no further beyond the area of the light that was surrounding me.

Then, a voice out of the darkness asked me a question, "Why did you punched that first grader in the stomach?" I could not tell where the voice was directly coming from t me. The voice asked me the same question but much louder, "Why did you punch that first grader in the stomach!?!" I replied while covering my ears from that loud question, "I don't know why I did it. It was too long ago to try to remember why I punched that kid in the stomach." The voice sounded even louder, "WHY DID YOU PUNCH THAT FIRST GRADER IN THE STOMACH!?!" I quickly shouted back, "I WAS SCARED OF THAT KID. YOU SAW IT, TOO. THE KID WAS HURTING ME. NO WAS COMING TO STOP THAT KID FROM HURTING ME. I DON'T KNOW WHY I HIT THAT KID. I DON'T KNOW WHY I HIT THAT KID IN HIS STOMACH!!!"

The voice replied, "Stop lying. You know why you hit that first grader in his stomach. You knew that if you hit the first grader in the stomach. That he will stop hitting you. Right?" I replied, "No! That's not true! I did not want to hurt that kid! I was bigger than him. But, he would not stop hitting on me! I don't know why I hit that kid in his stomach! It was too long ago to remember such things!". The voice responded, "Admit it! IT felt good hitting that kid! IT felt good to win that fight! IT felt good being able to hit that kid with all your might. IT felt good not getting into trouble for hitting that first grader!!!" I could not respond to what the voice just said. I could not defend myself against what the voice said because he explained exactly what I was feeling when I hit that first grader in his stomach.

I finally told the voice, "I felt that the kid did not expect me to hit him in the stomach, which he was not guarding the whole time he was punching on me! I knew he will stop hitting me if I hurt him even more! I was so angry at that kid for picking on me! And, I wanted the fight with that first grader to end! So, I struck that damn first grader in his stomach! And, it felt good when I let all of my anger out on that kid! But, I did not know that I would hurt that kid that bad. I did not mean to hurt that kid that bad!" The voice responded, "This is the first time you were finally honest with yourself over that bad incident."

The voice continued, "Sometimes, things happen for a reason. You had one of two choices with that first grader bullying you. Either you could have let the kid beat you up everyday in front of your classmates. Or, you show that first grader and everyone else in you first grade class what will happen to them if they ever decide to pick on you in the future." Fate was not going to let you take the first choice. Fate has a plan for you, young man. And, the first grader that picked the fight with you was only one piece of a large tutorial and development of your future fighting skills. "The ability to search for a weakness in your opponents and attack that weakness". Every good hero must come to develop this fighting ability. And, if refined, you can eventually use this fighting ability to also out think your opponents in strategies of the minds. You may have already used this ability during many of your life challenges, thus far, my friend." I heard this voice somewhere before.

So, I asked the voice, "How do you know me? Who are you? What is the point of me being here? What do you mean by my fighting ability?" The voice did not respond. I yelled out to the voice, "Answer me!!!" In a quick flash, I am standing next to the same wolf pup. And, the wolf pup began to pull me further into the mist of this unknown journey...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

What heroes may ponder when they are tired of saving the world of its problems...

Hero (noun): someone who fights for a cause.

Day after day, a hero sees that his days of fighting the good cause will never end. There appears to be too much evil in the world that will continue to exist past his lifetime. So, like most comic book heroes, one usually ends up living an lonely existence while fighting the good cause. The hero eventually becomes misunderstood with their good intentions as time goes on. If a hero fails to rise to the occassion of one person during their time of need, their integrity as a hero becomes questioned. The hero is eventually shunned by the very same people that he sworn to help or protect.

To loose the faith of the people that you would give you own life for to help, usually causes a hero to wonder why should he continue to fight the good cause for them. When a hero gets tired of saving the world of its problems, what's next? When this phenomena occurs, the antihero must have finally gotten the upper hand on his nemesis to the point that their roles seems reversed (hero becomes the bad guy, antihero becomes the good guy). And now, the antihero is able to do as he pleases with the citizens of the world without interferences from the hero. The hero basically becomes an outcast. And, the hero begins to experience a new phase of consciousness.

A consciousness where he (as a hero) is pondering his future in the world. During this phase of a hero's consciousness, the hero begins to believe that the world would be a better place without him around. So, the hero puts away his crime fighting uniform and the mask that hid his identity. And, the hero try to live a normal life. The hero is now living without a purpose other than for himself. The hero steadily becomes nonexistent to the citizens of the world. The hero begins to not care about the affairs of his fellow citizens and their daily problems or crisis. The world may even believe that they no longer need the hero at all to save them.

The outkasted hero can now be free to do what he wants with his life. He can attempt to pursue a life of normalcy (love, a career, home, etc.). He can give into his dark side and become a vengeful enemy of the world (antihero). Or, he can give up everything that he once held true. Most of the time, an outkasted hero must hit rock bottom in personal torture before he attempts to find the true purpose of his calling in life. From life's experiences up until now, the hero agrees with himself that IT is easier to be bad in nature than good. IT is easier to dissapoint his family and friends than to always try to help them with their problems or delimma. And, IT is easier to remove himself from the world than to try to continue to exist in it.

A hero constantly asks himself what is the point of even getting out of bed every morning if the world acts as if they don't need a hero anymore. And, the questions never went away for the hero: What is his purpose in life? What is his true calling in life!?! Is it his destiny to be unwanted, unloved, and undeserving of a happier life without someone special? Is he the only one that even feel this way? Is eveything that he has every done with his life, thus far, was for nothing? Where do he go from here with his life if he chooses to stop being a hero?

I believe that every hero must eventually come to a crossroads in their life. I believe that I am now at my crossroads. And, I am afraid to pick which road to follow to find out where I am going with my life as a hero or not. One thing for sure, I know that I am not a bad guy. I know I have friends and love ones that believe in me. And, I know that I am working in a worthwhile career that few are not able to enjoy. So, why do I feel like I have failed myself short in life in some kind of way? In the comic book world, heroes cannot afford to wonder about such things in their head. Such thoughts are never healthy in a hero's life. Such thoughts causes a hero to loose focus on what he is trying to accomplish with his missions. Such thoughts can cause a hero to hesitate during the midst of a crisis he is dealing with. And, such thoughts may lead a hero to feel that they are unappreciated by the very same people he once respected, or trying to save.

When a hero enters into this phase of his thoughts, the self-loathing of being a hero is surely to follow next in his mind: I am so tired of being the one to come to in order to solve eveyone's problems. I am so tired of being the one to come to in order to fix anything that may be malfunctioning. I am so tired of putting on a happy face even when someone has wronged me. I am so tired of being misunderstood by everyone. I am so tired of being called a "goody two shoes". I am so tired of not being able to cross over the line between good and evil. I am just so tired of being tired. And, I do not know where to go from here with my life.

I really believe this what heroes may ponder when they are tired of saving the world of its problems...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

My introduction: What blogging is about...

I came onto this website to be able to express myself through blogging. From my prospective, blogging allows me to get things or ideals that may be weighing on my mind and turn them into an articulate expressions of myself. I usually like to keep my blogs comical for the most part. But, I can get educationally serious when I need to do so on a certain subject. But, overall, I like to have fun while writing my blogs. I also love the various feedback that I receive from my blogs.

At times, some of my blogs may not make sense to anyone else but me. That's what I love about blogging. You can be yourself, tell things from your prospective, and interact with others about what they may like or dislike about what you blogged about. I am not too naive to know that there may be some readers out there that can be very insulting or abusive with their responses to blogs. In order to be a blogger, I guess you have to be willing to accept the good comments with the bad ones... And, I am cool with that. That's what blogging is about to me.