The Lone Wolf's Code of Faith is not very difficult to understand cause it is based on one simple notion of thought that there is a higher power that watches over us that everyone will eventually have to answer to when their life force has left this plain of existence. Meaning, once we leave this world of existence, we all must face our maker and be judged on our merits of past transgressions in order to determine where will our life forces be sent, either to a higher level of existence or be returned to a lower level of existence until atonement has been successfully complied. In short, one that walks the path of the Lone Wolf believes, "No one person is above being judged for their past deeds by a higher power."
When the Lone Wolf practices the Code of Faith, he or she does not need a specific religion in order to be spiritual in their mind, heart, and soul. When one walks a journey to a final destination, it is not the destination itself that keeps the Lone Wolf on path, it's the continuous journey being endured is what really matters. Faith to the Lone Wolf can be simply obtained by taking one step at a time while existing one day at a time while caring for others the best as one could care for another, and enduring life as much as one could endure with meaning and purpose. For the Lone Wolf to not have faith as a part of their daily existence, would be as pointless as choosing not to stop breathing the air that one must breathe on a daily basis. Faith is a very integral part of the Lone Wolf's being. To the Lone Wolf, faith and spirituality also goes hand and hand in their daily life.
It is said that with faith, the Lone Wolf can face any opponent in battle with a clear conscious and a light heart. During a battle, the Lone Wolf never holds any ill will towards their opponents. In theory, with faith, the Lone Wolf comes to respect their opponent no matter what the outcome of their battle against each other may be. It is for this reason the Lone Wolf sees a battle on a daily basis as a test of their own faith by those who may choose not to walk the correct path of life. A battle between two Lone Wolves will always be with respect and friendliness. And, it is within this same Code of Faith, the Lone Wolf believes it is never their place to cause unnecessary harm to those that do not walk the same path of them. Hence, to the Lone Wolf, judgment is left for a higher power to make.
To say that the Lone Wolf is incapable of straying from the Code of Faith would be ludicrous to think. The Lone Wolf in their simplest form is still human and is capable of making mistakes from time to time. Yet, one must be willing to do what ever it takes to find their way back to the correct path of life again in order to be a practitioner of the Lone Wolf's Code of Faith. Regardless, the Lone Wolf only wishes that those that choose not to practice the Code of Faith at least continue attempt to seek, find, and practice some type of spiritual absolution that is in sync with their individual lives. This is the Lone Wolf's Code of Faith.
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