There are two types of fights: planned and unplanned. A planned fight has an established set of rules. Examples would be a boxing match, a martial arts tournament, or a wrestling event. Unplanned fights are usually street fights with a wide variety of unpredictable factors, which makes them far more dangerous (http://www.wikihow.com/Fight)
As I was led down my misty path by a wolf pup, I am still trying to figure out whether or not I am experiencing a dream or is this really happening to me. The wolf pup has now grown to the height of my knee area. And, young wolf's coat turned grey in color. The young wolf eventually stopped me in front of what can only described as being three orbs floating over my path. Each of the orbs appear to be displaying various videos of past fights that I have experienced. The orb to my left was replaying a fight that I had with a neighborhood bully who was definitely more stronger than me. The orb located directly in front of me was replaying an incident where I had gotten punched in my nose by a tall student that attended my new elementary school. And, the third orb to my right was replaying a sparring match with one of my Kempo senseis who was much smaller than me in build and weight.
I walked over to the first orb and touched it. I then found myself watching the fight I had with the neighborhood bully. I recalled the neighborhood bully was winning the fight that day. I was not punching the bully back while he was hitting me repeatedly. My older brother stood by while I was getting beat up by that bully. I knew the bully would never fight my older brother. But, my brother allowed the fight to continue. The kids in the neighborhood also stood by while the bully was beating me up. Why was anyone helping me? I recalled finally getting mad enough to start fighting the bully back. I began doing round house kicks towards the bully. The kicks were not hitting the bully. But, the kicks were keeping the bully from attacking me. I managed to make the bully fall backwards into some bushes that were in front of my aunt's house. I thought the fight was over. But, it wasn't. It just made the bully more determined to beat me up after getting out of the bushes. Before the bully could start beating me up, again, my brother finally stepped in between us and ended that fight. The bully did not give my brother no problems. And, my fight with the neighborhood bully was over.
I suddenly heard the same voice from before asked me, "Do you know why your brother finally came to your rescue to stop that fight?" I answered the voice, "Looking back at it, now, I guess my brother was waiting to see if I was going to ever stand up for myself to that bully." Without any responses from the voice, I was returned to where the young wolf was located, which was back in front of the three orbs. I guess I must have given the voice the right answer to his question. I then went over to the second orb and touched it. I recalled the events that led to me being punched in the nose by a student that was taller than me. Why did that tall student hit me in the nose in the first place? I only remembered asking that student, after he ran past me, if he could not say excuse me or something for bumping into me. I did not think it warranted the tall student to punch me in my nose. After that incident, I stayed clear of that tall student for the rest of the school year cause I feared being beat up again by that same student. The voice did not asked me a question from that video. I was returned back to where the young wolf was located.
When I touched the third orb, I was watching myself sparring at half speed with my one of my Kempo senseis at the dojo. I recalled being much bigger and stronger than my sensei. I really thought I could win the sparring match with my sensei. I was wrong. My sensei patiently found a vunerable spot to strike upon during each one of my attacks towards him. And, the longer I sparred with my sensei, the more I became tired to the point that I quit sparring with me sensei. My sensei was not even sweating while sparring with me that day. The voice asked me, "Do you know why you lost that sparring match with your sensei?". I responded, "Because I was not in enough shape to out last my sensei." The voice replied, "True. What else?". I could not find the answer to that follow up question. Without hearing anything else from the voice, I was returned to where the young wolf located.
While I was still standing in front of the three orbs, the voice asked me, "What were the common mistakes that you kept making with all three opponents?" I could not understand what the voice was trying to ask me. I told the voice, "I lost each one of them." The voice responded, "Besides that fact, what did all three physical encounters have in common with your losses?" The voice then shouted, "Think, my friend! Think!!!" I kept looking at all three orbs as they kept replaying my three losses. I began thinking to myself, "I lost to two boys that were either stronger or taller than me. And, I lost to a sensei that was smaller and less stronger than me. What am I missing here? What am I not seeing in those videos!?!" The voice told me that I was not going to find my answers in any of the videos. The voice told me that I already know the answer to his question. The voice repeated his questions to me, "What were the common mistakes that you kept making with with all three opponents!?!"
I listed my faults with those three fights, "I guess I did not size up my opponents before fighting them. I did not have ideals on how to either of them. And, I either ended up very embarrassed or very injured from those three fights. The voice began shouting at me, "No, my friend. You did not THINK before you entered into those physical encounters with your opponents. You THOUGHT your big brother, or someone, would rescue you from the first and second fights. You did not THINK of a strategy on how to win or get out of any of those fights. You did not even THINK that the tall student would punch you in the nose in the second fight. You were naive enough to THINK that tall student was going to actually apologize for bumping into you that day. So, you did not THINK to put your guard up to defend yourself against him in case he was going to fight you."
"And, you THOUGHT you were going to EASILY beat your sensei on just your strength alone during the sparring match. You did not THINK that maybe that is why the sensei wanted you to spar with him at HALF SPEED in order to even the playing field for HIM. When you could not beat your sensei with your strength, you played more into sensei's strategies of sparring. Eventually, you became more focused on becoming tire to find a way to immediately beat your sensei to end the sparring exercise. Overall, my friend, you were physically and mentally defeated by your sensei, by the tall student, and by the neighborhood bully. You were already defeated in those three fights because you did not have any strategies to rely on against your opponents! Those were your common weaknesses in all three physical encounters with your opponents, my friend. "
Then, the three orbs faded away. I felt the young wolf tugging on my pants leg again to let me know that my lessons were over for now. And, I continued my journey down that same misty path towards the unknown...
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