Order is one of the most utilized codes by a practitioner of Lone Wolf philosophy. According to the Lone Wolf's philosophy, "If there is no order in one's life, there will usually be consumes by chaos." Whether it is accomplished by common sense or by enforcement of the law, one will not be able to keep order in their own surroundings until one is able to first resolute the chaos of the self. If the Lone Wolf works in the capacity as a teacher, then one must be able to "talk the talk" and "walk the walk" in what he or she is teaching. For a Lone Wolf to live by example one's own Code of Order is the best way for others to also strive to live by their own positive Code of Order. A Lone Wolf ways would be an oxymoron to teach a student about living a Code of Order, but then lives his or her own life in chaos. Where is the lesson in that teaching?
To stray away from a Code of Order from time to time is human. There are no perfect people in this life, only people with perfect intentions. So, the Code of Order should be used more sparingly as a guidance tool with common sense being utilized as a moral backup. A Code of Order may not always work appropriately with every dilemma that will be encountered on a daily basis. So one must be capable of adapting their Code of Order to that particular dilemma. Never forget that one must still be able to approach all dilemmas with an open mind; and, be willing to think outside of the box. To be close minded to a dilemma should never be the way of the Lone Wolf's philosophy.
A Lone Wolf should not be too naive to believe that every dilemma can be immediately remedied. A Lone Wolf during the investigation and resolution of a dilemma must strive to be as patient as a thinker, as thorough as a researcher, and as articulate as a teacher while utilizing the Code of Order to maintain one's level headiness. And, a practitioner of the Lone Wolf's Code of Order must ultimately strive to seek a peaceful resolution to a dilemma, first, before the utilization of more drastic alternative measurements. But, regardless of the dilemma, always be prepared for the potential unexpected actions of another. This is the Code of Order of the Lone Wolf's Philosophy...
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