The philosophies of the Lone Wolf are grounded around four general principals: Love, Integrity, Self, and Respect. Neither of these principals carry any specific hierarchy of importance to the Lone Wolf.
The Lone Wolf's philosophy on "Love"-
Love is one of those emotions that the Lone Wolf could never seem to get a handle on. The Lone Wolf finds love as another one of those double edge swords in his life cause he both desires and fears it at the same time. As the Lone Wolf ages with time, his attempt to find love becomes more and more less likely to occur during his lifetime. Yet, with the prospect of never finding love, the Lone Wolf does not appear to be too worried over this possibility. In short, if the Lone Wolf finds love, he's okay with that notion. And, if the Lone Wolf never finds love with someone special, then he's also okay with that notion. The inability to not find love by now has not cause the Lone Wolf to become too concerned over this misfortune. According to the Lone Wolf, he rather live his life doing the things that make him feel happy and with a purpose than worrying over things that can sometimes be out of his own control to make possible. A Lone Wolf rather continue to exist in life alone than to waste a woman's time with a serious relationship if he has not come to love her, yet...
The Lone Wolf's philosophy on "Integrity"-
Integrity is a quality that the Lone Wolf has always strives to maintain with anyone that he shares a daily encounter with in life. The Lone Wolf believes that if a person does not possess anything of value in this world, a person's integrity goes a long way with him. To the Lone Wolf, without integrity there is no trust between two people. And, if there is not trust between two people, there is not need to maintain a relationship of any kind with that person. It is for this reason, respect and integrity go hand in hand to the Lone Wolf. The Lone Wolf does not find it necessary to praise his efforts in order for him to continue to produce good work. With Integrity, the Lone Wolf wants his work to always stand on its on merit. In short, integrity means everything to the Lone Wolf's way of life...
The Lone Wolf's philosophy on "Self"-
The Lone Wolf can be his greatest supporter and his own worst enemy. When the Lone Wolf makes a mistake he is more down on himself than how others would be on him. But, eventually the Lone Wolf picks himself back up and attempts to never make that same mistake again. To the Lone Wolf, in order to improves one's self, one must first be willing to check himself internally (mind and soul) for faults before trying to improve any external appearances (body). The Lone Wolf believes that there can be great wisdom when one chooses to listen to their inner conscious. And, to go against one's one gut instinct is usually later regretted.
To the Lone Wolf, to believe in one's self is paramount in his daily life. And, as a daily reminder, the Lone Wolf leaves a poster on his office wall to keep him focused: "When there is a way, there is you!" With this reminder in mind, the Lone Wolf believes that one must always be capable of thinking outside of the box when attempting to find a resolution to a problem. The Lone Wolf attempts to teach that to believe in one's self does not mean that one should be selfish in their ways. Some tasks in life can be a little to much for the Lone Wolf to handle on his own. So, the Lone Wolf is never above his own pride to seek assistance from anyone.
When working with others on a task or assignment, the Lone Wolf works just as effective with a team whenever times dictate a need for him to do so. Otherwise, the Lone Wolf usually performs in life as if he is not expecting anyone else to come to his assistance while dealing with a dilemma or job task. The Lone Wolf's philosophy of Self is more of a positive way of keeping up one's motivation and focus with himself on a daily basis.
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