One of the strongest attributes of a Lone Wolf practitioner has to be their heart. The "Code of Heart" is based on an age ole saying: "Treat those as how you would to be treated..." The Lone Wolf acknowledges that having heart can sometimes be a double edge sword to possess. For example, there have many of times a Lone Wolf practitioner has allowed others to take advantage of their good nature to the point that it almost breaks their spirit to carry on the positive path they have chosen to follow in life. Yet, in the end, a Lone Wolf practitioner eventually finds their way back to their heart and learn from their last disrespecting experience. You see, to be a practitioner of the Lone Wolf's philosophy, "Karma" has a way of balancing out the wrongful acts that another person has committed against them. So, it is not the usual ways of a Lone Wolf to practice an "eye for an eye" type of justice onto their wrong doers. A Lone Wolf also patiently believes that fate has a way of dealing with such a wrongful person.
With heart, pains of the flesh can temporarily be blocked out long enough for a Lone Wolf to complete any task laid before them. Heart enables a Lone Wolf to see beyond the outward appearances of another and attempts to find their inner beauty or purpose. Heart causes a Lone Wolf to never give into fear during a competition and overcomes that fear whether they win or loose. And, heart allows a Lone Wolf to leave the judgment of another to the higher powers of justice and punishment. In essence, the heart to a Lone Wolf is similar to the air that one needs in order to breathe cause without either of these two entities of life a Lone Wolf can cease to exist as a human being.
Heart allows a Lone Wolf to also see things from another person's perspective during a debate about something. Heart makes a Lone Wolf find a solution or resolution to a dilemma that no else was able to see. It is said that a Lone Wolf can be patient enough to find their way through a forest of confusion and doubt to the tree of righteousness. If you asked a group of ten different people how they may describe a Lone Wolf they recently conversed with, at least 8 out of 10 of those people will most likely be able to describe the same positive attributes of that Lone Wolf. To the be a practitioner of the Lone Wolf's philosophy is to want to be more of an asset to the world than a hindrance. Cause to a Lone Wolf, you are either be a part of society's solutions or a part of society's problems. And, the Lone Wolf is going to always stay away from the negative influences of the latter. This is the Code of Heart of the Lone Wolf's Philosophy...
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