Lonely (adjective): Unhappy at being alone; longing for friends, company, etc.

The Lone Wolf on being alone-
The Lone Wolf has became accustomed to living alone. When living alone, choices can be made knowing that the outcome will only affect one's self instead of others. Leaving his domicile whenever he chooses, and returning home whenever he pleases, is the life of the Lone Wolf. Living alone is knowing that you are currently living on you own with anyone else to share the household chores with, or help pay the monthly bills. With all that in mind, the Lone Wolf stills finds content in living alone. To the Lone Wolf, living alone means relaxing to the silence of one's own place when he returns home from work. Enjoying the ability to sleep anywhere on his bed whenever he decides to go to sleep. Preparing meals that he does not have to worry if anyone else would want to eat. In short, living alone is another factor in the Lone Wolf's daily habitat.
The Lone Wolf on being lonely-
The Lone Wolf does not see himself as being a lonely entity in life. To the Lone Wolf, loneliness would seem to imply that he is desperate to share his world with someone special. As much as the Lone Wolf would very much like to find his soul mate to share the rest of his life with, he is far from being emotionally desperate to fulfill such a desire. Cause to the Lone Wolf, no relationship is worth having if it is done out of the need to quickly satisfy a desperate loneliness. Even though it is true that all Lone Wolves desires to be a part of a family of his won, loneliness can eventually be the end result for most Lone Wolves. Nothing more terrifying to the Lone Wolf than to leave this world of existence with any family and friends by his side. That is the very definition of loneliness to the Lone Wolf. Fortunatley, the Lone Wolf is blessed to have family and friends that are an asset in his daily life.
There is no certain future for the Lone Wolf as far as him living the rest of his life alone, or feeling lonely while living alone. The Lone Wolf believes that he is currently living his life the way that wants to live it. So, the Lone Wolf is okay with living his life alone until he finally meets his significant other.
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