The Lone Wolf is not a master of the martial arts in any way. Yet, the Lone Wolf could be described as a "Jack of many trades..." when it comes to his martial arts abilities.
The Lone Wolf's martial arts training includes disciplines in street fighting, Kempo, Philippine Martial Arts, Close Quarter Tactics, the expandable Baton, and kick boxing. To the Lone Wolf, martial arts is one of the most important abilities to have in his line of work. There are some spaces that may be too small for hard weapon usage, there are times that a firearm is not at the threat level enough to be exhibited or used. And, there may be times when all you have in order to defend yourself or others may be only your hands and feet. This is where the Lone Wolf believes the martial arts will always come in handy in those types of sticky situations.
When it comes to using martial arts, the Lone Wolf attempts to use it as a defensive measure first in his personal life before resorting to using it as a offensive measure. But, in the work environment, it calls for the Lone Wolf to be definitely ready for it to be used offensively while trying to use the martial arts in a defensive measure as much as possible. Because in the Lone Wolf's line of work, the way one uses their martial arts training is the difference between catching an offense or a lawsuit against you and placing an offender in jail with the least amount of force needed.
The Lone Wolf also uses the teaching from his martial arts years attempt to find a constant harmony with his personal, business, and spiritual lives with some of the Eastern Philosophy of Taoism. Taoism (noun): philosophical system developed by of Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu advocating a simple honest life and noninterference with the course of natural events. Without studying up on various Eastern Philosophies (Confucianism, Buddhist philosophy, a little Lao Tzu), the Lone Wolf would not have made it through some tough stressful times in his life. Taoism to the Lone Wolf is another reference of guidance in his life, along with the Bible. They provide helpful information of inspiration when you search for it with an open mind and a good heart.
Overall, the Lone Wolf loves being a martial arts enthusiast. He keeps it in his mind while working out to make sure he is working out the right parts of the body that can provide the maximum amount of force when a need calls for it. The Lone Wolf also began incorporating the punching bag into his workouts in order to maintain his kick boxing training. Kickboxing has been a very good source of cardio-training for the Lone Wolf. Kickboxing allows the Lone Wolf to punch and kick something without going to jail for assaulting something (it is a joke). The Lone Wolf knows that one can have all the martial arts abilities in the world. But, if one does nothing to maintain it, then it is like a person that immediately smokes after working out (It's just a waste of time with their mind, body, and soul).
Martial arts has been a very positive influence in the Lone Wolf's life in more ways than one. The Lone Wolf attempts to pass on his limited knowledge of the martial arts from time to time to those who would positively benefit from it most. Since the martial arts is an ever evolving entity of life, the Lone Wolf will strive towards improving and maintaining his martial arts abilities...
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