Saturday, April 18, 2009

Codes of the Lone Wolf's Philosophy: Family

Family (noun): people descended from a common ancestor; an association of people who share common beliefs or activities.

Family is the second highest trait held by the Lone Wolf. A Lone Wolf's greatest pride is their family. To a Lone Wolf family transcends beyond bloodline or common ancestry. Lone Wolves have been known to regard many of their closest friends as family. Family will always holds the key to the Lone Wolf's future. If a Lone Wolf dies before bringing an offspring of their own into the world, the Lone Wolf's family still possess the stories and memories of the Lone Wolf for future generations to hear. With this fact, the spirit of the Lone Wolf will never die because his DNA is still embedded with the family. Life of the Lone Wolf's family continues to moves on.

With any family, their are sibling rivals. Certain siblings of the Lone Wolf may get along with each more peacefully than with other siblings. But, when a family crisis occur, the family usually find a way to band together in order to face that crisis. To a Lone Wolf, their respect for their elders still hold strong. Yet, it is not uncommon for a Lone Wolf to loose its faith in an elder or any other family member that fails to not share the common goals of the family. The Lone Wolf understands that family member do sometimes grow apart as each siblings go out into the wilderness to form new families. This must occur for the growth of the family. But, no matter the distance of separation between the siblings, the Lone Wolves still feel the adhesive blood bonds of their siblings.

The Code of Family to a Lone Wolf is sacred. Many of family members may have given their heart and life experiences to a Lone Wolf to aide in their attempts to successfully exist in the world. The Lone Wolf understands that they are an extension of their family. And, sometimes the Lone Wolf must return the family to aide their elders when they are in need. It is called the "Cycle of Life." Meaning, wolf pups are raised by the family until it is able to move around on its own. That same wolf pup becomes a young wolf. And, different family members teach the young wolf about life and hazards that may exist in the world. The young wolf becomes old enough to leave the family to obtain the remaining lessons that only trial and error can provide to a Lone Wolf.

Lone Wolf eventually returns around the family whenever needed in order to complete the "Circle of Life". This is done because the Lone Wolf knows that family is usually the only entity left in their life when they can no longer fend for themselves anymore. To a Lone Wolf, to attempt to not aide in the "Cycle of Life" is choosing to not give back to the family. This is not tolerated or practiced by a Lone Wolf practitioner. The Lone Wolf believes that "Karma" has a way of dealing with such members that commit such an disrespecting act to their family without reason. Without a family to nurture their growth, a Lone Wolf would not be able to make their existence positively known out in the world. This is the Code of Family of the Lone Wolf's philosophy.

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